
Superior Speaking Skills can do wonders for your Professional and Personal life

Want to speak fluent, impeccable English? My English Fluency Coaching will skyrocket your verbal fluency skills so you can enjoy more confidence, higher status, and increased income

Increased Confidence

Improving core skills—such as English Fluency—is the most definitive method of improving your confidence and self-belief

Higher Status

Status is real. People automatically sort each other into hierarchies. Learning to speak well earns you higher status in the eyes of others

Fatter Paycheques

Higher income is a result of adding higher value to your organization. English Fluency remains the top soft skill desired by employers

Have you felt frustrated by:

With my English Fluency Coaching you will:

Speak with
Confidence & Flair

Growth in your career is a direct function of how well you speak. Sure, a high tide lifts all boats— but when the going gets tough, the people who thrive are the ones who communicate well

Qualify for Leadership Roles

A leader who communicates well finds it easier to build a talented team. Plus, organizations place more value on well-spoken leaders and they’re usually the first choice for promotions

Give Sizzling Presentations

Presentations aren’t merely about sharing information. Good presentations call for talents such as storytelling, humour, and rhetoric—and these rely heavily on your verbal skills

Improve your

Good communication skills consistently rank as the no. 1 soft-skill valued by companies. By acquiring skills that improve your innate value, your boost your Self-esteem and Confidence

Give Better Interviews

Whether it’s an interview for a job in another company or for an internal position, your eloquence will be among the top 3 factors that will determine whether or not you are a serious contender

Become Highly Influential

Influence is the most powerful currency in the wallet of a Leader. And the primary tool to influence and persuade is Communication. To influence, it’s necessary to speak well

Excel at
Situational Fluency

Would you like to speak fluently on a variety of subjects, across a variety of situations? I'll share proven techniques that help you acquire and sharpen this extremely valuable skill. Impress anyone, anytime, anywhere

Rapidly build
Sales Rapport

We are all in Sales. You're selling and coaxing your boss to buy your ideas, to give you a raise, to increase your budget. A strong command of the language helps you quickly build rapport and get what you want

Learn to
Debate & Argue

Keen to change someone's point of view? Diffuse conflict? Reprimand bad behaviour? Stand up to office politics? Take swift control by learning to debate and argue with ferocity using time-tested strategies and tactics

Your Coach

Great speakers are not born—they are trained

3 steps to speaking fluent, impeccable English

1. Hire Me

Together, we'll create a tailored plan to accomplish your speaking goals. See pricing options for what's included

2. Follow my Process

Follow my Process, and join me on the weekly coaching calls to measure your progress and correct course

3. Speak Fluent English

Improve your Speaking ability and confidence in 6 weeks. Keep improving with a personalized 3-month self-study plan

Your career growth depends on your ability to communicate with flair

Command of the Language creates
Positive Perception

People often misjudge the negative impact of grammatical sloppiness or poor fluency. Superior command of the language creates superior perception, and perception is reality.

Consider this: If you dress well, people will perceive you differently than if you dress poorly. And the way they perceive you dictates how they interact with you and treat you. If you dress sloppily for work and business meetings, you may receive sloppy treatment.

Needless to say, the way you speak and your command over the English language, in several ways, dictate how your superiors, peers, subordinates, and external stakeholders perceive you. Your career growth depends on your ability to communicate with flair—there’s simply no escaping that fact.

The Most Powerful Tool in your Arsenal

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe—Abraham Lincoln

Like the axe, language is a tool. And to excel and grow in your career, you need to sharpen this tool. The vast majority do not pay attention to this golden rule and as a result, the vast majority struggle to build a great career.

Eloquent language is a powerful catalyst. It opens doors, creates gravitas, skyrockets incomes, and positions you as a Leader. In fact, the dominant subset of Leadership is Communication. Until a Leader is able to communicate with charm and confidence, he / she is often unable to influence, motivate, sell, or persuade. This is especially true when the industry or company is going through a tough phase and needs to win market share, retain employees, or do any number of the myriad tasks that involve interacting with key internal and external stakeholders.

Eloquent language is a powerful catalyst. It opens doors, creates gravitas, skyrockets incomes, and positions you as a Leader

To make the greatest impact, pursue both Substance and Style

When companies invest in talent they are searching for both Substance and Style. They want people who can accomplish the purpose of the role (Substance), as well as communicate with vigour and flair (Style). Hence, for you to focus merely on Substance (such as Subject Matter Knowledge) to rise in your career, would be to shoot yourself in the foot.

In my 16 years of experience as an Executive Recruiter / Head hunter, I have found that a person’s Self-esteem and Language skills are the 2 most important soft skills that will determine his success or failure. When a person works on improving these 2 skills, his career trajectory starts to move upward and forward very quickly.

The first attribute a prospective employer (or any other stakeholder) notices about you is the way you speak. In the first few seconds, they are able to size you up and the way you speak leaves a lasting impression on them—for better or for worse.

Good speaking skills are impossible to fake. And as alluded to above, they have an enormous impact on your career prospects. Regardless of the function you’re in (Sales, Finance, Engineering, HR, Marketing, SCM, etc.), honing your speaking skills will reward you several times over. Once you’ve mastered this prized talent, you’re guaranteed to have a more fulfilling and financially rewarding career.

Coaching slots open up periodically

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